Weather forecast
You can find out here whether you need a sunshade or umbrella for your holiday on the Edersee.
There is no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes.
Weather forecast
You can find out here whether you need a sunshade or umbrella for your holiday on the Edersee.
Time | Weather | Temperature | wind |
09:00 | Clear sky | -0,8 ° C | 3 km/h |
12:00 | Clear sky | 4,9 ° C | 3 km/h |
15:00 | Clear sky | 2,2 ° C | 1 km/h |
18:00 | Clear sky | -1,7 ° C | 3 km/h |
Time | Weather | Temperature | wind |
09:00 | Clear sky | 1,0 ° C | 5 km/h |
12:00 | Clear sky | 4,7 ° C | 6 km/h |
15:00 | Clear sky | 1,6 ° C | 5 km/h |
18:00 | Clear sky | -2,2 ° C | 6 km/h |
Time | Weather | Temperature | wind |
09:00 | Moderately cloudy | -0,9 ° C | 6 km/h |
12:00 | Moderately cloudy | 2,5 ° C | 11 km/h |
15:00 | Mostly cloudy | 0,6 ° C | 7 km/h |
18:00 | Mostly cloudy | -2,3 ° C | 7 km/h |
Time | Weather | Temperature | wind |
09:00 | Covered | 1,9 ° C | 7 km/h |
12:00 | Covered | 4,2 ° C | 5 km/h |
15:00 | A few clouds | 1,3 ° C | 6 km/h |
18:00 | A few clouds | -1,9 ° C | 5 km/h |
Time | Weather | Temperature | wind |
09:00 | Moderately cloudy | -0,2 ° C | 8 km/h |
12:00 | Mostly cloudy | 3,0 ° C | 11 km/h |
15:00 | Covered | 1,0 ° C | 9 km/h |
18:00 | Covered | -0,9 ° C | 10 km/h |
Decelerate at any time of the year - if not here, then where?
"I love the Edersee because it inspires me in every season and at every water level."
by Nadine Fingerhut, songwriter and singer
The Edersee over the course of the year
In spring, nature around the Edersee blossoms in new splendor. The water shimmers blue and is even crystal clear in some places. In summer the trees turn their leaves a rich green and the lake its water deep blue. In autumn you can experience the colorful splendor of the "Indian Summer" while the ruins of the old Edertal appear on the lake. Winter is cold and harsh on one side and calm and beautiful on the other.
Looking for an experience?
This is how the Edersee becomes a "lake for life" for you too:
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