General price information: MeineCardPlus: Free admission
AuszeitCardPlus: Free entry (once per year)
Teenagers & adults: 7,00 €
Children (3-14 years): €6,00
Families*: €19,50
Family season ticket: €85,00
*Families = max. 2 adults or teenagers and up to 3 children
Groups: 10 people or more: €0,20 discount per person
from 20 people: €0,30 discount per person
Visits for groups outside opening hours possible by arrangement. Open on Thursdays from 10 a.m. in the off-season for school classes and kindergartens with mandatory registration.
The admission price includes the use of all the corn maze facilities and of course getting lost in the corn maze itself. Pony riding and archery are not included, as both are offered by external service providers.