Auf der Leibesinsel befindet sich die Ruine der Burg Bring. Wann die Burg erbaut wurde, ist nicht bekannt. Urkundlich wurden die Ritter von Brunink, die vermutlich die Erbauer waren erstmals um 1200 erwähnt. Über die GEschichte der Burg ist nur wenig bekannt.<\/p>","identifier":["p_100155527"],"image":[{"contributor":"Sven Bökenschmidt, Edersee | Deine Region: wild, bunt, gesund.","name":"Liebesinsel bei Bringhausen","@type":"ImageObject","url":"https:\/\/\/1966944\/21ce74c7b40fac7ba8befbcf4e1d1a81fc2e34dc405384ef3a6ecd94a25e74a9\/liebesinsel-bei-bringhausen.jpg"}],"name":"Liebesinsel","additionalProperty":[{"@type":"PropertyValue","name":"teaser","value":"
When the lake is full, Love Island is surrounded by water. When the lake is empty, it is a hill in the lake bed.
When the lake is full, Love Island is surrounded by water. When the lake is empty, it is a hill in the lake bed. The ruins of Bring Castle are located on Leibesinsel. It is not known when the castle was built. The Knights of Brunink, who were probably the builders, were first mentioned in documents around 1200. Little is known about the history of the castle.
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