Starting point for hiking tours:
- Jungle path
- Kellerwaldsteig
- Ringelsberg route (11,2 km)
Starting point for bike tours:
- Edersee cycle path (50,3 km)
Starting point for hiking tours:
Starting point for bike tours:
National park entrance and hiking car park "Asel-Süd" Vöhl - Asel-Süd
34516 Vöhl
General price information: free hiking parking
How to reach it
We recommend traveling by road via the B252. Turn from Herzhausen towards Asel-Süd. (Attention: dead end) At the end, turn right and follow the road until the parking lot appears on the right.
Free hiking parking lot (gravel underground)
Public transportation
Nearest bus stop(s): Asel-Süd
Line(s): 501.2; 504.1; 581.5
NVV-ServcieTelephone: 0800-939-0800
All connections including AST-Taxi connections can be clearly seen via the NVV timetable information -
Tip for your smartphone - download the "NVV Mobil" app in the respective app store before the tour!
In general, the “AST-Taxi” (CallSammelTaxi) should also be included in the planning. With the CallSammelTaxis (AST), the NVV ensures mobility on routes that are not in great demand. Instead of taking the bus, you can travel here in normal taxis or rental cars. AST also have fixed timetables - you just have to register your wish to travel by telephone (usually) up to 30 minutes before the journey. Also remember that AST only run when there are no normal buses running at the same time. Call the collective taxi center: +49 (0) 5631-5062088
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