© Stefan Brune

Experience your very own Edersee moment with us!

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No matter how often you vacation at Edersee, you will always discover something new. Or even something old, because our excursion tips are peppered with historical buildings - the most spectacular being Waldeck Castle. The absolute highlight is the Edersee dam. A gigantic and impressive structure that is even more fascinating in the dark, as it is immersed in a dreamlike play of colors every evening. The sunken villages that had to give way to the lake are inseparable from the history of the dam. When the water level is low, their remains reappear and become an attraction as the Edersee Atlantis. The events calendar is packed with guided hikes, sightseeing, concerts, festivals and much more.

Holiday tips around the Edersee

In addition to the Snow White House, there is a mining museum and a gemstone cutting workshop in Bergfreiheit. Local minerals, such as Kellerwalder agate and jasper, are mined in the local mine. Guided tours are possible. A modern holiday church with a church café has been built on Scheid, where hospitality is lived.

Halfway there, between Affolden and Fritzlar, an archaeological sensation awaits. The stone chamber grave of Züschen, also known as the stone box, is a prehistoric megalithic complex from the 4th - 3rd centuries. millennium B.C. The complex can be visited. This region is a good place for stargazers, because in this magnificent nature there are no brightly lit places that disturb the view.

This collection is not complete, it is just little gems that you can find along the way if you explore carefully and with your eyes open. Stay curious!

Looking for an activity?

This is how the Edersee becomes a "lake for life" for you too:

What would you like to discover at Edersee?

Excursion tips, tour portal, guided tours and hikes, places and culture, events or Edersee-Atlantis?

About the cover photo:

Stefan Brune

proves on his Instagram page @stefan.brunethat the Edersee and Waldecker-Land region is one of the darkest regions in Germany and therefore offers an incredibly beautiful view of the starry night sky.

"Landscape photography brings me some peace in an otherwise fast-paced world!"

by Stefan Brune

A day in the Edersee region

from sunrise to sunset!

Whether a hiking holiday in the jungle, cycling by the lake or city flair in Bad Wildungen. Whether family fun, water sports and action or peace, deceleration and wellness - discover the many possibilities in our region and experience your very own Edersee moment with us.

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